Hello! Oi! Bonjour!

It all begins with an idea. Always.

That’s how Sugar and Spice started. A kind and gentle aunt teaching a ten-year-old how to measure flour, crack eggs, and whip up a cream cheese frosting. A spark lighting gunfire in a young girl’s brain left her thinking, “I think I like the simplicity of bringing together ingredients that by themselves taste awful, but together taste amazing!”

And that's how I started my journey as an entrepreneur and a baker. I want to thank four amazing people who helped me grow:

Mom: Thank you for your love and care, as well as teaching me to make orange cake and your wisdom that has guided me.

Dad: You are an amazing father and I love you deeply. I am overjoyed by how much you invest in Sugar and Spice, but also how much you invest in me with your love.

Jordan Todd: I could write an essay on why you are amazing. You are an incredible mom, woman, leader, and baker. I am forever thankful for the countless hours spent in the kitchen together.

Aunt Kristy: It's hard to know where to start. You were there with me when I made my first cake, and it was with you that I fell in love with baking. Your support has helped me realize how much I truly love what I do, and I am incredibly grateful for that. I will never forget the night when we were driving home from delivering my first cake. I turned to you and said, "I want to bake. For money. I want to have a baking business." You just smiled and said, "Okay!" Your encouragement means the world to me, and I can't thank you enough.

Baking is a thrilling adventure waiting for you! Join me on this exciting journey to learn more about it. Are you ready to start the fun?


Give me lots of COOKIES!